Acest blog este interesat si dedicat lui... Mr. Dapper Dan sau Mr. Smelly

joi, 1 aprilie 2010

Stiri ... sau un fel: Lume, lume!!!

Part I:
Dupa o absenta destul de prelungita, s-au strans cateva stiri pe care, nu ar fi bine sa le ignoram. Incepem cu un anunt din 11 martie care, recruteaza cat mai multi fani, de peste mari si tari, doar strigarea de pe site se face in trei limbi deja, din cate inteleg eu, pentru o expozitie tribut. Dar sa vedem cum arata si postat de ei:
Michael Jackson: 2010 Tributes

MJPortal and Legend Music Awards are seeking performers for exhibitions in Italian tributes dedicated to the King of Pop, starting from April 2010.

If you are interested in taking part, please send videos of your exhibitions to the following email address (attachments limited to 5Mb - it's preferable to send URLs of videos published on Youtube)

Thanks for your attention!
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Part II:
O stire mai putin vesela sau frumoasa, pe care o aflam tot de pe in care este implicata SONY, este aceea in care se vorbeste despre mega-contractul cu acestia din urma, care consta in 10 proiecte, care cuprind mai multe cd-uri/albume, pana in 2017, adica in 7 ani. Nu prea am studiat problema, multe informatii si la zi, ca de obicei, gasim la Pravalia lui G despre aceste albume. Personal mi se pare o nebunie, lucru cu care, din cate stim, nici Michael nu era de acord. Ma intreb cum vor organiza aceste albume, vor scoate la lumina toate cantecele, nu ca nu ar avea ce, si nu ca noi ne-am supara, dar mi se pare o mica exploatare a izvorului creativ Michael Jackson. Vom trai si vom vedea...

Months after his death, Michael Jackson set a music-industry record, thanks to a deal between his estate and Sony valued at as much as US$250 million.

The deal will give Sony the rights to sell his back catalog and draw on a large vault of unheard recordings. With 10 albums over seven years, the deal will involve a mix of previously unreleased songs and new packages of familiar ones.

The dollar amount is especially striking against the backdrop of the music industry as a whole, in which US album sales have plunged 52 per cent in a decade.

It also allows Sony and the estate to collaborate on a wide range of lucrative licensing arrangements, like the use of Jackson music for films, television and stage shows and lines of memorabilia that will be limited only by the imagination of the estate and the demand of a hungry worldwide market.

Part III:

Aceasta stire destul de interesanta, dupa parerea mea, am gasit-o pe mailul Yahooo!
Fanii vor numele lui Michael inapoi la scoala lor! Nu este vorba despre orice scoala, ci despre Gardner Street Elementary School. Iar aceasta scoala este scoala la care MJ a studiat (in
) clasa a V-a, in timp ce i se pornea startul in stratosfera. De pe un anume site, care, este pus pe cautat pe unde au studiat vedetele, avem ceva informatii:

Michael Jackson, the "King of Pop," was a 6th grade student here back when he was a normal 11-year-old; he attended class here in the daytime and performed as an emerging musical superstar at night, with his family group "The Jackson Five." His early hit songs back then included "ABC," "The Love You Save" and "I'll Be There."

In 1989, Gardner Street Elementary named the school auditorium after "the gloved one." Gleaming silver letters across the front of the building now read: "The Michael Jackson Auditorium" ; Michael himself showed up for the unveiling.

Se pare ca cei de la scoala, dar mai ales parintii copiilor, din cauza acuzelor din 2003 aduse lui Michael, au hotarat sa renunte la numele lui MJ, un gest foarte de urat, iar acum fanii din aceasta scoala se lupta pentru readucerea numelui lui Michael pe amfiteatrul scolii. Acestia au creat si un profil Facebook de unde toti fanii pot semna o petitie care sa le sustina cauza. Deocamdata nu am gasit aceasta pagina de Facebook, dar poate dam noi de ea...

LOS ANGELES – Los Angeles school officials told Michael Jackson to beat it seven years ago. Now, fans of the late pop star want him back.

Supporters have started a Facebook petition to have Jackson's name restored to the auditorium of Gardner Street Elementary School. They want fans to download and sign a letter to the school district superintendent.

Jackson donated money to the Hollywood school and attended the naming ceremony in 1989. But school officials, acting on parental requests, covered up his name in 2003 after Jackson was arrested for investigation of child molestation.

The Facebook campaigners note that Jackson was acquitted of the charges and they want the name restored.

Jackson was 50 when he died in June.

Avem si cateva poze din timpul inaugurarii amfiteatrului. MJ pare destul de amuzat de aceasta "distinctie"