Acest blog este interesat si dedicat lui... Mr. Dapper Dan sau Mr. Smelly

vineri, 2 aprilie 2010


Mi se pare ca aceste doua cantece au un grad foarte mare de sensibilitate si armonie. Pentru toti care intra aici sarbatori cat mai fericite si cat mai multa armonie in vietile voastre. Si nu in ultimul nu uitati ca it's all for L.O.V.E. Paste Fericit!

Easter Parade

Stateam aseara si ma miram cat de repede trece timpul si parca acum o ora era Revelionul si ianuarie si acum... Pufff!!! este aprilie si Pasti! in doua zile. Si ma mai gandeam cum oare isi petrece lumea timpul, exceptand epuizantele cozi din mega-marketurile, pentru cumparaturile totale, la propriu pentru ca, acum gasim pana si oua vopsite si drob pe care, doar le scoatem din ambalaje si le asezam frumusel pe masa. Ce timp petrecut in familie sau traditii de vopsit/pictat oua, nici nu mai vorbim de tehnici hoate de a face diverse modele pe oua cu foi de pantrunjel sau diverse verdeturi. Noi timpuri, noi adaptari! Dar sa ne vedem noi de oile noastre, si sa ii lasam pe restul sa petreaca cum vor ei.
Prin aceste ganduri ma gandeam cum petrece(a) Michael Pastele... Stim ca postul la el era ceva regulat, asa ca nu ma gandesc ca ar fi avut probleme cu aspectul asta, mai putin la vopsitul de oua nu stiu cat de mult se implica! Cine a vazut filmuletele personale ale lui Michael stie de partea aceea in care ei cauta oua de Pasti. Daca nu il stiti il revedem aici:

O poveste amuzanta este urmatoarea: se pare ca un grup de elevi de la scoala Davyhulme Primary School au decis sa aleaga pentru piesa de Pasti anul acesta cateva din piesele lui Michael.

PUPILS at Davyhulme Primary School took to the stage to tell the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection earlier this week, although it’s possibly the first time the age old tale’s ever played out to King of Pop’s music.

The school took the unusual decision to incorporate some of Michael Jackson best loved hits in to their annual production following the singer’s death last June, which the show’s creator, Year 5 teacher Lee Parkinson, said seemed inspire a new army of young fans.

The Canterbury Road school has a history of whacky themes for their Easter play, last year adopting a theme from the popular TV show CSI.

“Each year we try to put a different spin on the performance and think of different ways to re-tell the story of Easter that will appeal to the children and also entertain the parents,” teacher Lee told SUM.

“This year we feel found the most unusual yet impressive twist by telling the traditional easter story accompanied by the songs of Michael Jackson.

“His death seemed to inspire a whole new generation of young fans all of who appreciate his talent, so I started throwing ideas around and things just seemed to click.”

Lee eventually re-wrote eight of Jackson’s hits, inclluding Smooth Sriminal, Billie Jean, Thriller and Beat it. The chorus of Davyhulme’s ‘reworked’ Thriller went: “Because it’s Jesus, Jesus Christ, he died upon that cross, and you can't believe your sight, you know it’s Jesus, Jesus Christ, he died upon that cross, and now he's living, living tonight.

“It was a very exciting project and I wasn't sure we would be able to pull off at first,” added Lee. “The children just took off and couldn’t stop talking about it.

“Once we taught them our unique versions of the songs they couldn't stop singing and humming the tunes. It’s been inspiring to see how the children have responded and understood the story.”

Parents were treated to the show Last Wedneday night, with a second performance on Thursday.

Desi pare cam ciudat un pic, draguta initiativa, mai ales ca este vorba despre copii.