Acest blog este interesat si dedicat lui... Mr. Dapper Dan sau Mr. Smelly

marți, 26 ianuarie 2010

To be or not to be?!

Part II din A big part of Roumania o sa urmeze, probabil cand o sa am mai mult timp, trebuie sa postez insa ceva ce ma enerveaza de sambata. Cred ca multi stiu ca weekendul asta a fost dedicat de dragutii de la MTV lui Michael Jackson. Partea mai naspa e ca, daca, as fi fost un african venit din Africa, care nu stie o boaba de romana, si ar vedea pe sticla Michael Jackson Weekend probabil m-as fi asteptat sa vad ceea ce scrie acolo. Dar se pare ca la noi comoditatea este mai mare decat profesionalismul si de ce sa difuzam ceva sa mai si informam populatia (avand in vedere ca sunt catralioane de filmulete si inregistrari - inclusiv din epoca Jackson 5 - ca tot difuzeaza "ABC" sau "Ben" sau macar concertele, nu mai zic din alte tari, ci cele doua de la noi) cand putem sa dam si sambata si duminica acelasi lucru cateva ore, acolo, si gata! Daca mai vad topul lui David Gest inca odata, simt ca mi-e rau, iar TV Greatest Moments cred ca multi il stiu pe din-afara. Apropo, de David Gest, tot vazand ca se lauda in sus si in jos ca el este marele prieten al lui MJ si a facut, si a dres cu MJ am decis sa caut ceva despre el - ca sa ne informam un pic daca tot il vedem de fiecare data cand este top cu Michael, si la patrat!
Cred ca cel mai important lucru de stiu, pe langa faptul ca a fost prietenul lui Michael, e ca a fost casatorit cu Liza Minelli, iar despre ea stim ca fost prietena cu MJ.
Gest and Liza Minnelli were married on March 16, 2002 having met six months earlier, and separated less than a year and a half later in July 2003.In October 2003 he sued her for $10 million claiming that she had been violent and physically abusive during their marriage, behavior the affidavit blamed on Minnelli's persistent alcoholism. Minnelli denied the accusations, claiming Gest was simply after money. The suit was dismissed in September 2006 for lack of triable issue of fact.

Este sau a devenit cunoscut ca promoter de concerte, pentru prietenia cu fratii Jackson si bineinteles pentru casatoria de mai sus. El a organizat concertul din 2001. Intr-un interviu pentru Fox News, in 2003, David zice:

VAN SUSTEREN: And were you the executive producer of the Jackson 30th anniversary special last year?

GEST: No, I was the producer. I came up with the idea of bringing -- reuniting the Jackson 5. I had heard on the radio one morning "The Love You Save," which was one of my favorite songs as a kid, and I just thought, You know, this is ridiculous. This group needs to get back together for a night or two and let the world see the magic they create. And I called up Michael and said, You're doing it, and called up all of the other brothers and said, You're doing it. And they thought I was crazy, saying, It's just going to happen like that? But it did.

Ce este foarte ciudat, e ca nu prea am auzit ca Michael sa vorbeasca de acest foarte bun prieten, iar in interviurile pe care le-am gasit pare ca il si perie pe MJ dar il si terfeleste putin...

“... people always think of him as talking in that high, soft voice, but he didn’t really speak like that — it was a facade.

“Still to this day I am not sure why he did it. The Michael I knew talked like a real man, acted like a real man and shook a hand like a real man.”

“He loved haggling over the price in stores. If something was $4,000 (£2,400), he would cheekily start them at $200 (£120). He was an arch negotiator. People thought he was absolutely nuts but he actually got away with it sometimes.”

“We both loved music and would often play a game where we tested each other on which artists had sung which songs. If I won I got to keep one of Michael’s stage costumes. If he won he got some of my film posters or a rare piece of Jim Morrison or Jimi Hendrix memorabilia.”
“When we would take a trip together, I would always make Michael get out of the car and fill up with gas. He would say, ‘Who is the star here?’ and I would say, ‘When you are with me, I am!’

“I remember we once went to Disneyland. He was in disguise and we watched Captain EO, a Disney 3D movie which he starred in.

“When we came out I said, ‘You were brilliant’ and he went, ‘Oh thanks, have you only just realised?’. Then when we got home I made him Moonwalk in my kitchen — then I tried it and fell flat on my face!”

Aici sunt mici franturi; mai vorbeste si despre placerea lui Michael de a citi, de bucuria de a fi tata, dar si de frica de tatal sau ori despre operatiile plastice. Acum acest om ori este un oportunist, mai ales ca prietenia dintre el si MJ este greu de reperat deoarece multe informatii nu sunt, nici macar fotografii, in afara de cele de la nunta cu Liza Minelli, ori este acel bun prieten caruia nu ii pasa de celebritatea amicului si astfel nu il intereseaza in a dovedi tuturor ce prieten bun este el! hmm...

Aici este un interviu/intalnire ocazionala as zice eu, cu Katherine Jackson... iar mai jos David Gest meets Tito Jackson.